Top 7 Family Photo Ideas

Getting the whole family together for a professional photoshoot always sounds like a wonderful idea, but the thought of planning it out and coming up with the right poses can add a layer of stress that isn’t conducive to a successful shoot! You might even be wondering how to start this entire process and how to find a family photographer. Fear not, we have you covered. Our team consists of a number of talented and professional photographers, and we have created this guide with the top 7 family photo ideas so you can get a jolt of inspiration and get your family photoshoot lined up. Bring everyone along, the more the merrier!
Our first pose idea is a classic one – it’s the jump pose. This is a great one to start with to get everyone loosened up before the rest of the shoot. The whole family can hold hands and jump together either facing towards or away from the camera. Getting the perfect jump shouldn’t be the main objective, everyone should just be having a good time! Your family photographer can get the best angle for this shot by getting lower to the ground to take it.

2. Dragging father on sand
A fun shot you should consider getting is one with the family dragging dad along the sand if you’re at the beach. This is probably best to do near the end of your session since things will likely get messy! Dad gets down in the sand for this one and the rest of the family acts like they’re dragging him by the feet towards the water – this always creates hilarious memories!

3. Kids Don’t Look
Idea in our guide is the adorable and fun “kids don’t look” shot. For this one, the kids can stand with the parents and look away or stand closer to the photographer for a dynamic perspective. The kids can cover their mouths or partially cover their eyes while the parents go in for a lighthearted smooch!

4. Line Up
It wouldn’t be a complete family photoshoot without a shot of a line up pose, especially for larger groups. This pose ensures that no one is blocked by anyone else, and it can be accomplished with pretty much any number of people. Lining up your family makes for a great shot where everyone can be seen clearly.

5. Stack Up
The stack up pose is another one that yields a wonderful final product. Your family can line up shortest at the front to the tallest at the back and in one big line or in smaller groups of two or three. Stack on your father and fly away, this is certainly one you can play around with for unique shots!

6. Sunset Time
If you really want to take your photoshoot to the next level, schedule it during sunset in a beautiful location, such as the beach. It takes some training and knowledge to fully grasp how to photograph sunsets, but with the right professional by your side, it will be a breeze. You can use the lighting from the sunset to your advantage and get different types of shots, such as silhouettes or utilizing the golden sun to illuminate the group perfectly.

7. Mix & Match Generations
If you have grandparents involved in your photoshoot, you should definitely include a shot with the generations of your family mix and matched. The older and younger generations can stack up or mix together for creating a heartwarming contrast.

There are so many ways to get creative with family photoshoots and end up with fantastic results! As long as you have a professional leading the way for you and that knows how to photograph family portraits, you’ll leave your session with memories that will last a lifetime and beautiful photos to prove it! You no longer have to wonder how to find a family photographer that best suits your needs, our team will take care of you!